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Alison's List

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years ago
  • Find a new yoga teacher
  • Find a space to hold a yoga class
  • Create a flyer to advertise new class
  • Cultivate a group of large body yoga students
  • Create a beautiful web portfolio 
  • Read the HTML book that's been sitting on my shelf for months and learn how to write code
  • Take an airline flight for the first time in 7 years to overcome resistance/fear
  • Paint patterns with glaze on the bowls I started in July
  • Clean out and organize every nook and cranny in my life
  • Make my bedroom a sanctuary
  • Make lavender sachets and eye pillows for my friends 
  • Dust off the loom and start weaving
  • Meditate consistently
  • Write actual letters to people I love 
  • Make my front yard look inviting 
  • Fix sprinkler heads for the plants that are drying up 
  • Cut out some carbs, learn to love whole wheat 
  • Eat more raw food
  • Listen to books on tape when I am driving 
  • Get out my iPod and use it! 
  • Walk around the block more often (and listen to the books on the iPod) 
  • Find and buy a great bra, maybe splurge on two 
  • Develop wellness blog for large body women
  • Go to Rajathstan and oogle beautiful textiles
  • Work at Sundance during the film festival
  • Become a micro-loan lender
  • Make homemade ketchup
  • Spend two weeks at Andersen Ranch with Bess
  • Plan a girls weekend with my friends
  • Go to art school for my MFA
  • Bring canvas bags with me to the grocery store
  • Paint the walls inside my house
  • Learn how to make slipcovers for my furniture
  • Buy a Canon Rebel and take photos every day
  • Wear beautiful colorful clothes that make me feel good every day
  • Treat my mother extra well – she's getting older
  • Watch all of Pedro Aldomovar's films
  • Join a book club
  • Write an article for a magazine that I like
  • Flip a house for pleasure, not for profit
  • Remind everyone I meet that they are beautiful, amazing, and a wonder of creation
  • Work in a bookstore
  • Start a crafts co-operative
  • Move to the Pacific Northwest
  • Make more ritual in my life
  • Observe teatime!
  • Phase out plastic
  • Dance in the moonlight
  • Surprise my family and friends with special good things
  • Go to the Kootenays
  • Find a guru
  • Find a guru in the Kootenays
  • Set up a scrabble board and have family game nights
  • Take a dance class

Comments (2)

Anonymous said

at 8:58 am on Nov 9, 2007

Alison, to "become a micro loan lender" - you might want to check out kiva.com - it's a great way to loan small amounts of money (i.e., $25.00) to entrepreneurs in third world countries. I had a great experience with it.

Anonymous said

at 10:46 am on May 15, 2008

love your idea of dancing in the moonlight! i want to do it!

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