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Arica's List

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 4 months ago

Things I need to do


1. Go to Italy (visit the vatican)


2. Fly on a plane.


3. Succeed (on some level) at Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover (Still working on it, but credit cards are gone!)


4. Design our own home with my father's help


5. Build our personalized home


6. Write a novel


7. Have one of my writings published


8. Learn to knit


9. Learn to write caligraphy


10. Become fluent in Spanish


11. Take a sign language class


12. Make every present I give one Christmas


13. Breed dogs & journal the life of the puppies


14. Read the Bible from front to back


15. Have a baby


16. Journal my pregnancy


17. Invite my mother-in-law to dinner at our home


18. Start a blog


19. Visit every state in the U.S.


20. Buy an expensive globe


21. Finish my degree (for me)


22. Own a black jaguar


23. Own land on a lake


24. Buy a boat


25. Learn how to drive that boat


26. Go for a full week without watching television (movies included)


27. Reduce the number of useless items in my life


28. Eat duck


29. Eat shark


30. Have a flat stomach and kick butt abs


31. Begin praying daily


32. Wake up earlier to journal and exercise


33. Decorate every room in my house to look beautiful


34. Write a will/encourage my husband to do the same


35. Forgive someone who has given me a deep hurt


36. Find a job that makes me happy 


37. Take a trip all by myself


38. Put my wedding photos in an album and finish displaying those that I want to display


39. Create a creative space of my own


40. Ride a bike regularly


41. Organize my CDs


42. Read one book each month


43. Cook a real meal for the hubby and myself at least once a week


44. Do something nice for another person and keep it a secret


45. Make an effort to mend a broken friendship


46. Attend church regularaly


47. Drink more tea and less coffee


48. Learn to pick my battles (especially with my hubby)


49. Frame our "amateur" portrait


50. Have one entire wall full of books that I love


51. Use coupons, make a list, & USE IT at the grocery store


52. Plant daffodils around our home


53. Implement three new habits into my life that will help me live "greener" (Recylcing x-mas cards, magazines, and cans)


54. Grow my own herbs


55. Go golfing with my husband and let him teach me


56. Stay at a bed and breakfast


57. Take dancing lessons with my husband


58. Replace our kitchen stove 


59. Learn to trust God for all we need


60. Have my wedding gown preserved


61. Make and sale our own item at flea markets for one full year


62. Go on Mr. Jackman's writing retreat


63. Throw my hubby an awesome 30th birthday party


64. Go on a cruise with my husband


65. Grow my own vegteables


66. Buy a Harley motorcycle with my husband


67. Add a Jesus fish to the motorcycle as my own personal touch


68. Get our condo reappraised to possibly do away with the extra insurance


69. Don't blame my husband for things that are out of his control


70. Give my husband credit for a job well done and even just for trying ALWAYS, ALWAYS


71. Be more patient


72. Have a wonderful picnic just my husband, the dog, and I


73. Make myself "pretty" everyday even if I am only running errands


74. Go camping with my hubby and the dog


75. Leave a book at my favorite, local coffee shop's book exchange (to leave my mark)


76. Finish my list of 100 things


77. Finish my Christmas shopping by December so I can enjoy the holidays


78. Get rid of the nasty mattresses in our spare room


79. Eat breakfast EVERY morning


80. Put the condo up for sale (sold, baby, sold)


81. Start a Christms project with my cousins for our grandparents


82. Set up bill pay


83. Finally get cable and the internet


84. Add songs to my MP3 player


85. Find ways to tithe our money


86. Save $600 for Dee's wedding


87. Visit Dolores' art gallery in Seiverville


88. Go canoeing


89. Start saving for a baby


90. Go on Louisville's first friday of the month trolley hop (loved it, will do again)


91. Paint chest for extra room


92. Raise my bowling average by the end of the season  (two points is better than nothing!)


93. Visit vineyards in Lexington


94. Flip a house


95. Use the sushi dishes I got LAST Christmas


96. Make something "better"  (Thanks Dana!)


97. Take more pictures


98. Make things that are important to me a priority


99. Plan an awesome bachlorette party for my sis


100. Write my soon-to-be brother-in-law a "welcome to the family" letter


101. Go to England


102. Try Lobster


103. Visit my grandparents more often.


104. Stop repeating gossip.


105. Finish Dale Carnegie's book and apply it in my life.


106. Write the "in-law" letter and then put it to rest.


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