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Beautiful Witch List

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

Things I need to do


  1. Write a novel
  2. Get a novel published
  3. Become a teacher specialising in Steiner or Montessori education
  4. Travel to India and spend time gaining spiritual awareness
  5. Lose 18kg by November 2008 (a year should be long enough to do that, right?)
  6. Forgive him
  7. Teach the dog how to close an open cupboard door and turn on a light switch
  8. See the Staircase to the Moon up north
  9. Take an acting class for fun
  10. Scrapbook my Japan holiday
  11. Take my nieces and nephew on a holiday to a developing country
  12. Hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back up again
  13. Go skydiving
  14. Start a painting project and work on it regularly
  15. Write everyday, even if it is only a paragraph
  16. Smile more
  17. Be kinder to myself
  18. Learn to use my lovely digital camera and all its important settings
  19. Evolve my business
  20. Take an art class
  21. Read at least 10 of the books in my "to be read" pile by December 2007
  22. Travel to Mexico
  23. Re-visit Japan and spend more time in the provinces away from the cities
  24. Travel through Europe
  25. Join a yoga class and go regularly
  26. Take a martial arts class
  27. Spend more time at the beach
  28. Start bushwalking and work up to doing parts of the Bibbulmun Track
  29. Go camping and enjoy it, billy for tea and all
  30. Learn to meditate and practice it regularly
  31. Become more crafty
  32. Learn to knit
  33. Learn to embroider
  34. Join a writing group
  35. Go to Paris and feel existential while drinking coffee in a cafe

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