
ccpalmer's list

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on February 15, 2008 at 4:07:52 am
  1. bring a load of "no longer needed" stuff to salvation army
  2. proposal to jeff re: island
  3. start THIS summer
  4. list books i don't want on amazon or donate them
  5. get a book deal with chronicle books
  6. get a book of poetry published by penguin
  7. determine business priorities for the next six months
  8. start and english/spanish conversation group
  9. update my resume
  10. make an edible herb garden outside the kitchen
  11. paint the kitchen and make it more user-friendly
  12. make a meal plan for each week and go shopping that day to buy ingredients
  13. prep food for the week on sunday mornings
  14. paint the bathroom
  15. fix-up the bedroom
  16. fix-up the "room of my own"
  17. get over my "fear of flying"
  18. become gainfully self-employed
  19. learn to surf
  20. go to the rainforest more
  21. write a book with my dad (start with the dictionary) update: started this 1/31/08
  22. and sign a contract to publish it with a publisher i admire
  23. write a book with my mom
  24. go to old san juan 1-2x a week (to meet with friends, work)
  25. start a small biz women's group
  26. try raku with leonor (starting classes this thursday!)
  27. invite abundance into my life
  28. make a blog or website for leonor and her ceramicist friends
  29. become financially empowered/have more CHOICES
  30. practice pilates 3-5x week
  31. practice meditation (start with folding clothes and house cleaning)
  32. write a poem a day
  33. write letters to my brothers
  34. write more letters AND SEND THEM
  35. start "survivors" blog
  36. get volunteers/helpers to develop survivors blog
  37. contact sean mc lain brown and leslie marmon silko re: veterans workshops and resources
  38. have a room of my own  (thank you c.j.!)
  39. have health insurance
  40. remember that mind/body/soul works together
  41. build e-mail contacts lists for social and work purposes (Does anyone know if i can "export" this to my phone and vice-versa??)
  42. create a bilingual poetry reading room in San Juan, Puerto Rico (English and Spanish)
  43. Visit Brasil again
  44. Learn to relax deeply
  45. Have more fun
  46. Buy some land in the rainforest with friends
  47. and then build an eco arts/education compound
  48. prepare healthy food for me and my family every day
  49. become confident in reading my poetry in front of an audience
  50. take risks that lead to new opportunities
  51. strengthen my immune system
  52. write every day
  53. create a visual journal
  54. make a new years' resolution/creative visualization collage at first monthly women's craft gathering
  55. ween myself off the daily coffee routine
  56. drink fabulous teas
  57. start biz "a" (top secret idea, of course) thanks for your help. jeff!
  58. keep taking notes on biz "b"
  59. keep taking notes on biz "c"
  60. believe in myself and my ability to live my dreams
  61. spoil my guys
  62. celebrate completing my thesis manuscript
  63. help someone i love
  64. see dolphins again in the "wild"
  65. do my part to protect wild places
  66. be a better recycler
  67. a better yard for bambu
  68. Visit China
  69. Visit Corsica
  70. be less judgemental/critical
  71. give the perfectionist the day off
  72. learn songs to sing with cj
  73. write a few songs with cj
  74. and then post them on myspace music
  75. collaborate with marnie on a book or project (remember the "angel card" "decks")
  76. live outside of p.r. in the summer months
  77. offer writing workshops in san juan again
  78. offer a workshop in vieques
  79. offer a workshop in miramar (visual journal 4 kids? 4 adults?)
  80. offer writing workshop(s) in NYC and CT in may (mom wants to collaborate on this-- painting and writing)
  81. help mom with web copy/make weekly or monthly plan
  82. goto griff's graduation from columbia
  83. "walk" in my graduation from westconn in may '08
  84. goto cuba before fidel dies (if he hasn't already)(update: just got invited!...expensive...)
  85. goto puerto vallarta with dad & cj
  86. win a chapbook contest
  87. win the poetry international contest
  88. publish my first poetry book
  89. become a "mentor" in a low-residency writing program
  90. remember to do everything with love
  91. court my muse (one artist date a week)
  92. walk in the woods more
  93. ride my bike more(update-- it's opur new sunday activity!)
  94. sell my scooter for a good price
  95. fix our car
  96. get a car that runs on biodiesel
  97. learn more about biodiesel/alternative energy
  98. get a "llave para tu negocio" loan
  99. exceed my potential
  100. learn more systems for living with a.d.d
  101. learn more about tourettes syndrome
  102. make a list of the music i want to download to my ipod
  103. take charge of my reproductive health (update: working on this 1/31/08)
  104. be scared/worried/anxious less
  105. learn to whistle
  106. write a crown of sonnets
  107. learn to ride a horse without fear of falling!
  108. get over my allergies (update: i'm on my way! slept i a bed with adown comforter and pillows for the last 2 nights without a sneeze!!)
  109. become a homeowner
  110. keep in better touch with friends
  111. create a book of recipes (mostly mom's!)
  112. use a pseudonym (joined "listology" with my pseudonym)
  113. sing in a band 
  114. take salsa classes with cj
  115. go to more museums
  116. goto gallery night every first tuesday!!!
  117. read at the poet's passage once a month
  118. write poetry in spanish
  119. write flash fiction
  120. START submitting poems to lit mags and journals!!!!
  121. hang out with kids and animals more
  122. give a fabulous reading on jan. 2-
  123. give a fabulous wkshp in january (it was fun!)
  124. make a life list
  125. become an idea consultant
  126. make business cards
  127. use business cards!
  128. take voice lessons
  129. mentor someone
  130. cry more
  131. laugh more
  132. live a passionate life
  133. live completely off the grid
  134. drink lemon water
  135. learn to cut my dog's toenails (sorry to be gross)
  136. get fit again!!!
  137. record my dreams every morning
  138. practice creative visualization
  139. make angel card decks for 6 people as new years' gifts (update: 3 down, ana, jeff, liz to go)
  140. get out of debt
  141. invest in myself
  142. save $
  143. make a wise financial investment
  144. re-learn to speak portuguese
  145. learn to write well in spanish
  146. learn to speak italian
  147. improve my francais
  148. develop a daily writing practice
  149. figure out a system to keep my house neat and tidy
  150. find a place for everything and put everything in its place
  151. don't be such a wimp about "cold" water -- swim more (gulp)
  152. find a fabulous outfit to wear at my poetry reading
  153. practice reading poetry outloud
  154. set aside one afternoon a week to work on miranda mag

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