
Elle's 100 things to do

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 7 months ago



  1. Learn Italian
  2. Travel Europe
  3.  Write a book
  4. Get through a whole year without missing a birthday
  5.  Have better posture
  6.  Drink more water
  7. Find a job I love
  8. Ride in a hot air balloon
  9. Go sledding on a snowy day
  10. Try cross country skiing
  11. Go to London
  12. Go away on a girls' weekend
  13. Knit a sassy sweater
  14. Have a column (online, magazine, newspaper, whatever)
  15. Put out a hummingbird feeder
  16.  Find someone inspiring and strike up a friendship
  17. Go to a conference/retreat/something for writers/bloggers
  18. Find a writers' group
  19. Redo our backyard - make it into a retreat rather than a concrete block
  20. Get business cards made up

  21. Submit an article for publication
  22. Get Olive & me into a mommy & me class of some type
  23. Read all the books I already own
  24. Get to at least a couple of sittings at the Zen Center
  25. Get my scrapbooks up to date
  26. Pose for a painting
  27. Try oil painting
  28. Take an art class
  29. Make some pottery
  30. Renew some old friendships (Julie, Gracie, Helen, others)
  31. Return phone calls within two days as a habit
  32. Write thank you notes
  33. Call 2 good friends per week - 1 local, 1 long distance
  34. Get out to New York to see family
  35. Laugh a lot more
  36. Perfect my pickle recipe
  37. Get a freezer for the basement so I can make things ahead more (and freeze things from the garden)
  38. Successfully grow zucchini and peppers next year
  39. Come up with a header for my blog
  40. Comment on one blog a day
  41. Go on a personal retreat
  42. Get a massage
  43. Start drawing my own post cards for thank yous, etc.
  44. Send out Christmas cards this year
  45. Write Grandma once a month
  46. Travel South America
  47. Learn to make carne asada and chile rellenos
  48. Pick apples and can applesauce, freeze pies, and make apple brown betty
  49. Get into a regular habit of walking
  50. Use up my stationery supply
  51.  See the aurora borealis
  52. Make a snowman with Olive - complete with carrot nose and hat
  53. See a moose in the wild
  54. Leave Olive with a babysitter  (7/21/08 - we finally did it - and nobody died!  Wahoo!)
  55. Connect with a blogger friend in person
  56. Take a boat out on Lake Calhoun/Lake of the Isles
  57. Visit MIA and the Walker
  58. Do the Minneapolis Bike Tour
  59.  Keep the dining table clear and usable for eating.
  60. Live in Italy for some length of time (a month minimum)
  61. Train myself not to assume that someone asking a question is testing to see if I get the "right" answer.
  62. Go back into therapy and get over my "not good enough" syndrome.
  63. Make some money as a writer/artist.
  64. Start an Etsy shop.
  65. Figure out how to nurture my relationship with my hubby in this new toddler season of life.
  66. Find some me time when I'm neither on mommy duty, at work, commuting, or falling asleep.


Comments (1)

Anonymous said

at 10:58 pm on May 10, 2008

i want to encourage you to open up your own Esty shop, i just did it a month ago and it was really easy and i've already had a sale! it was a great feeling and now it's mine and i have it forever! i know you will love it once you do! julie

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