Elle's 100 things to do
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last edited
by PBworks 16 years, 7 months ago
- Learn Italian
- Travel Europe
- Write a book
- Get through a whole year without missing a birthday
- Have better posture
- Drink more water
- Find a job I love
- Ride in a hot air balloon
- Go sledding on a snowy day
- Try cross country skiing
- Go to London
- Go away on a girls' weekend
- Knit a sassy sweater
- Have a column (online, magazine, newspaper, whatever)
- Put out a hummingbird feeder
- Find someone inspiring and strike up a friendship
- Go to a conference/retreat/something for writers/bloggers
- Find a writers' group
- Redo our backyard - make it into a retreat rather than a concrete block
Get business cards made up
- Submit an article for publication
- Get Olive & me into a mommy & me class of some type
- Read all the books I already own
- Get to at least a couple of sittings at the Zen Center
- Get my scrapbooks up to date
- Pose for a painting
- Try oil painting
- Take an art class
- Make some pottery
- Renew some old friendships (Julie, Gracie, Helen, others)
- Return phone calls within two days as a habit
- Write thank you notes
- Call 2 good friends per week - 1 local, 1 long distance
- Get out to New York to see family
- Laugh a lot more
- Perfect my pickle recipe
- Get a freezer for the basement so I can make things ahead more (and freeze things from the garden)
- Successfully grow zucchini and peppers next year
- Come up with a header for my blog
- Comment on one blog a day
- Go on a personal retreat
- Get a massage
- Start drawing my own post cards for thank yous, etc.
- Send out Christmas cards this year
- Write Grandma once a month
- Travel South America
- Learn to make carne asada and chile rellenos
- Pick apples and can applesauce, freeze pies, and make apple brown betty
- Get into a regular habit of walking
- Use up my stationery supply
- See the aurora borealis
- Make a snowman with Olive - complete with carrot nose and hat
- See a moose in the wild
- Leave Olive with a babysitter (7/21/08 - we finally did it - and nobody died! Wahoo!)
- Connect with a blogger friend in person
- Take a boat out on Lake Calhoun/Lake of the Isles
- Visit MIA and the Walker
- Do the Minneapolis Bike Tour
- Keep the dining table clear and usable for eating.
- Live in Italy for some length of time (a month minimum)
- Train myself not to assume that someone asking a question is testing to see if I get the "right" answer.
- Go back into therapy and get over my "not good enough" syndrome.
- Make some money as a writer/artist.
- Start an Etsy shop.
- Figure out how to nurture my relationship with my hubby in this new toddler season of life.
- Find some me time when I'm neither on mommy duty, at work, commuting, or falling asleep.
Elle's 100 things to do
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Comments (1)
Anonymous said
at 10:58 pm on May 10, 2008
i want to encourage you to open up your own Esty shop, i just did it a month ago and it was really easy and i've already had a sale! it was a great feeling and now it's mine and i have it forever! i know you will love it once you do! julie
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