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Fiona's list

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago

Things I need to do


1. Meditate every day.

2. Become certified as a coach.

3. Build my own business.

4. Get married.

5. Be wined and dined in New York.

6. Learn and practise Miksang photography.

7. Stay on a houseboat in Kashmir.

8. Spend a month at the Sivananda yoga centre.

9. Go to Japan.

10. Become a CTI leader.

11. Work with super coaches one two and three.

12. Sleep under the stars.

13. Live in Granada.

14. Visit California.

15. Live in the countryside/by the beach.

16. Lead retreats.

17. Pay off my debts.

18. Do a three month detox once per year.

19. Run a marathon.

20. Do yoga everyday.

21. Write poems regularly.

22. Write letters to people I love.

23. Tell people I love that I love them.

24. Have my photo taken by boho girl.

25. Get a proper blog banner.

26. Start coaching workshops for teens.

27. Learn belly dancing.

28. Drink champagne in a hot pool on a mountain side at night time.

29. Swim in the sea at night.

30. Visit Russia, Iceland, Argentina, Brasil, Peru.

31. Stay up all night writing in a cafe.

32. Climb a mountain.

33. Ride horses.

34. Own my own home.

35. Love without drama.

36. Be a mother.

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