
Hippolady's list

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 3 months ago

Things I need to do


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  1. See Colorado again; breath in the mountain air
  2. Find a job that I like
  3. See Alaska again
  4. Take a picture of all of the houses I have lived in
  5. See the Northwest again - Columbia River, Willamette Valley, Oregon coast
  6.  Get my master's degree
  7. Write a book
  8. See the fall leaves of New England
  9. Take an auto trip around the United States
  10. Visit the Biltmore Estate
  11. Read Don Quixote (English translation)
  12. Visit Australia
  13. Go to Hawaii
  14. Visit my cousins in California
  15. Learn to love exercise and taking care of myself
  16. Always buy pretty shoes
  17. See Savannah
  18. Find someone fun to travel with
  19. Find all of the places that still make real chocolate sodas
  20. Be close to my grandchildren (if that happens)


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