Janies List
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last edited
by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago
Things I'd Like To Do Before I Die
- Dance with (or just touch) Bono
- Visit Europe
- Learn to sew
- Finish the St. George marathon
- Stop drinking Diet Coke - forever!
- Sing karaoke in a real karaoke bar (non-alcoholic, of course)
- Stand inside a redwood tree with my girls
- REALLY read and study the Book of Mormon
- See and catch a real firefly in a glass jar
- Be better about returning phone calls and emails from friends
- Learn how to eat with chopsticks
- Learn how to boogie board
- Read Jesus The Christ
- Feel confident at my 20 year reunion
- Witness my daughters graduating from college
- Find a way to get Eric in to play a round at Augusta
- Take my Mom to Seattle and spend time with her visiting her home town
- Attend a session of General Conference at the conference center
- Attend a taping of the Oprah Show
- See the Grand Canyon
- Take a dance class with Eric
- Spend more quality time with my girlfriends
- Hike Mt. Timpanogus
- Run up the steps in Philadelphia from the movie Rocky
- Take more pictures
- Loose 30 or so pounds and keep it off
- Start and keep a daily gratitude journal
- Get laser hair removal
- Take tennis lessons - play regularly
- Cut fast food out of my diet
- Drive the entire PCH in a convertible with Eric
- Buy a cashmere sweater
- FINALLY figure out the plot of LOST - all questions answered!
- Have nicely manicured hands
- Volunteer as a mentor on a weekly basis
- Learn digital scrapbooking - take PhotoShop classes
- Spend more time at the Library with my girls
- Sleep in a five star hotel room in New York
- Sleep in our backyard under the stars with Eric and the girls
- Call the Dave Ramsey show and be able to shout "we're debt free!!" with the Braveheart music playing in the background
- Take my girls to Gettysburg adn the Holocaust museum
- See Wicked
- Take a helicopter tour of Hawaii
- Say "I Love You" more often
- Meet a prophet
- Have a good visit with John and Sue
- Go on a pioneer trek
- Be a better listener
- Spend a whole week at the beach with my brothers, my parents and my family
- Grow my own vegetables
- Learn how to finish playing George Winston's Holly and the Ivy by ear
- Go with Eric and the girls on a service mission to Saululita, Mexico
- Be a guest on the Oprah show
- Be a better listener
- Build a home or cabin
- Stop chewing the inside of my cheeks
- Go to bed early, wake up early
- Go to BYU Education week
- Rent a motorhome and take the family on a cross country trip of small towns
- Help Eric get his Masters degree to become a therapist
- Be able to re-tell a funny joke
- Visit all of the locations from the Sound of Music
- Write the book that's been in my head for the last 10 years
- Have a frank, honest conversation with the ex
- Visit Nag's Head beach with Eric and collect shark's teeth
Janies List
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