
Julie's list

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago

Take a trip to Bali

Write daily in a journal

Visit San Diego

Make money at a job I LOVE so much I can't wait to do it every day

Take time every morning to be grateful

Write that last check for the mortgage

Leave small pieces of art for people to discover

Sell something-anything!-at my Etsy shop

Call myself an artist


Be still for some time each day

Learn to be with myself without noise

Bake a pie

Wear beautiful shoes

Enjoy exercise

Get presents and cards to people on time

Make my big bowl of beads into jewelry I love to wear

Buy a Superhero necklace

Have a picture of myself that I like

Get a great camera

Write a book

Organize my entire house

Learn Feng Shui

Have people over for dinner once a month

Learn to cook healthy, simple food

Learn to live with less

Stop buying sticky notes

climb a tree

Get a new couch

Learn more about interior design

Take a college art class

Enjoy gardening

Grow a few vegetables among the flowers

Spend more time in the studio

Spend less time on the computer

Talk less

Talk more quietly

Think kind thoughts

Remember to apologize for my part in any problems encountered by the people around me

Remember that my students are children, not short adults

Let go of struggle

Find new music to enjoy on my iPod

Hug at least 3 people every day besides family members

Own a small house on the ocean in a tropical climate

Be of service to the neighbors in that tropical paradise

Lay on the grass in the yard a watch the clouds

Take my dad to lunch

Honor commitments in a timely fashion

Be present in conversation

Stop drinking Diet Coke

Learn to love fruits and vegetables more than cookies

Send a real, handwritten letter a month to someone

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