
Kandy's Life List

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 2 months ago

Things I need to do

  1.  Be more Positive
  2. Landscape
  3. Plant a vegetable garden with the kids
  4. Work on having less of the guilty mom syndrome
  5. Organize my scrapbook stuff
  6. scrapbook at least once a week
  7. Learn about geneology and create a family tree
  8. spend more time with my grandparents
  9. journal regularly
  10. Save money
  11. Finish all the little things that need to be done around the house
  12. Take a trip to Germany
  13. Take a trip to Paris France
  14. Visit NYC and go to a broadway play/musical
  15. Take a cooking class
  16. Teach my kids the value of reading
  17. Play more with my kids
  18. Find a group to be involved in.
  19. Pay for the person behind me at Starbucks
  20. Worry less
  21. Be more organized
  22. Get B-day cards out on or before the actual birthdays
  23. Shop early for Christmas (This one will obviously have to wait until next year)
  24. Have a girls weekend away
  25. Talk more with my kids
  26. Appreciate my husband more
  27. Stand up for myself
  28. Swim with dolphins
  29. Go back to school and earn a bachelor's degree
  30. Figure out what I want to go back to school for
  31. Lose 30 lbs
  32. Look great at 40
  33. See the "Nutcracker"
  34. Take my kids to see more Theatre productions
  35. Learn more about photography
  36. Learn how to ballroom dance
  37. Work out 3x a week
  38. stop yelling
  39. Be a more calm person
  40. Quit procrastinating
  41. Learn how to deal with stress better
  42. Teach my kids manners, morales, and to be considerate of others
  43. Organize my time better
  44. Spend more time with my sisters(including my sister-in-law)
  45. Spend some time with my brother
  46. Donate my time to help others
  47. Read more books
  48. Take a bubble bath without being interrupted
  49. Help my kids to figure out what there passion is.
  50. Be the best MOM I can be



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