Kandy's Life List
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last edited
by PBworks 17 years, 2 months ago
Things I need to do
- Be more Positive
- Landscape
- Plant a vegetable garden with the kids
- Work on having less of the guilty mom syndrome
- Organize my scrapbook stuff
- scrapbook at least once a week
- Learn about geneology and create a family tree
- spend more time with my grandparents
- journal regularly
- Save money
- Finish all the little things that need to be done around the house
- Take a trip to Germany
- Take a trip to Paris France
- Visit NYC and go to a broadway play/musical
- Take a cooking class
- Teach my kids the value of reading
- Play more with my kids
- Find a group to be involved in.
- Pay for the person behind me at Starbucks
- Worry less
- Be more organized
- Get B-day cards out on or before the actual birthdays
- Shop early for Christmas (This one will obviously have to wait until next year)
- Have a girls weekend away
- Talk more with my kids
- Appreciate my husband more
- Stand up for myself
- Swim with dolphins
- Go back to school and earn a bachelor's degree
- Figure out what I want to go back to school for
- Lose 30 lbs
- Look great at 40
- See the "Nutcracker"
- Take my kids to see more Theatre productions
- Learn more about photography
- Learn how to ballroom dance
- Work out 3x a week
- stop yelling
- Be a more calm person
- Quit procrastinating
- Learn how to deal with stress better
- Teach my kids manners, morales, and to be considerate of others
- Organize my time better
- Spend more time with my sisters(including my sister-in-law)
- Spend some time with my brother
- Donate my time to help others
- Read more books
- Take a bubble bath without being interrupted
- Help my kids to figure out what there passion is.
- Be the best MOM I can be
Kandy's Life List
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