
Kim's 100 Things To Do

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago

Things I need to do



  1. Go on a cruise
  2. Buy myself one piece of nice jewelry--preferably diamond or sapphire
  3. Buy a house
  4. Have my own dog
  5. Learn to knit
  6. Learn to crochet more than just a scarf or blanket (i.e., something with a shape to it)
  7. Take a pilates class
  8. Incorporate yoga into my life rather than just take a class in it that I enjoy
  9. Start a subject-specific blog that I plan to update regularly
  10. Get more involved with the ACLU
  11. Clean up my bad credit
  12. Argue a case in front of the US Supreme Court
  13. Go to London
  14. Go to Ireland
  15. Go back to Paris
  16. Go back to Brest
  17. Resume taking French classes
  18. Either get an advanced degree in French or study for and pass a standardized French exam.
  19. Walk in the Diabetes Walk. 
  20. Run for public office
  21. Write another novel, book of poetry, something...get my creative writing back.
  22. Read great pieces of literature, including, but not limited to:  Pride and Prejudice, Dante's Inferno, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
  23. Join and participate in a book club.
  24. Teach someone something personally
  25. Teach regular classes at a college or university
  26. Prepare one big research project


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