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Kristine's List

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 6 months ago

Kristine's List



  1. Find a new job closer to home and more in line with my career interest.
  2. Finish cataloguing my CD collection
  3. Listen to more new music and discover some old classics
  4. Finish reading 15 books (as part of my self-imposed ban on buying too many books) so I can buy a new one! (I'm up to 10 & half since Jan 08!)
  5. Read all the books I already own!
  6. Drive the Great Ocean Road, Victoria
  7. Go to a professional dance performance (or two) per year
  8. Visit La Sagrada Familia and other Gaudi architecture in Barcelona
  9. Buy 10 or more acres of land and create my self-sustainable, permaculture paradise I've been dreaming of since the age of 14
  10. Do a meditation course at the Buddhist Temple
  11. Learn guitar (again! properly!)
  12. Learn to play bass guitar and join a band (a la Janet from Spiderbait)
  13. Write a song or two
  14. Join a dance class for old fogies and see if the 10 years of classical ballet training comes back to me
  15. Invite a beagle to join my family
  16. Buy collected works of Shakespeare (classy bound collection like the one my mum and I used to pore over when I was a child)
  17. Read collected works of Shakespeare!
  18. Bite the bullet and get a dragon tattoo
  19. Re-learn French
  20. Take my hubby to France, show him the sights and show off my French
  21. Get back in contact with my host family while I'm there ...
  22. ... maybe even buy that cottage in the French countryside I've been dreaming of since the age of 17 (with what money ...)
  23. Oh, and travel around the rest of Europe while we are there and sit on the steps of impressive buildings watching the people go by
  24. Add a New York warehouse apartment to my property portfolio (ha ha ha!)
  25. Buy a pinball machine or two to fit out my New York apartment (a la "Big")
  26. Invite Darren Hanlon over to play some pinball and ask him to write a song for me
  27. Convince my brother to write a song for me to sing and record it - or at least convince him to let me sing some dodgy backing vocals
  28. Finish my second album of wedding photos (it's been six years ...)
  29. Finally get some wedding photos framed and on the wall
  30. Get on the Amazing Race (will they ever have an Australian version? I'm perfect for it: scared of heights, hate driving, grumpy when I'm tired and hungry, bitchy and argumentative - perfect television viewing!)
  31. Start running again
  32. Do the City to Surf (14km) in 2008 and beat my previous time.
  33. Walk across the Sea Cliff Bridge and back again (after a coffee break in between)
  34. Buy one piece of original artwork each year
  35. Do postgrad study - environmental management, publishing, english literature ... or all three
  36. Write a novel
  37. Attend yoga classes again, once per week at least
  38. Start a blog about something ... maybe music reviews
  39. Join a theatre group, see if my talent (cough) extends beyond pantomime when I was 17 ...
  40. Learn to ride a horse ... properly
  41. Travel through South America
  42. Go shopping in Hong Kong
  43. Do a painting/drawing class
  44. Ride my bicycle at least once this year so Dave doesn't make me sell it ...
  45. Get my motorbike licence
  46. Buy a scooter
  47. Go hot air ballooning
  48. Take up rowing again - learn to row a single scull confidently
  49. Go kayaking on Sydney Harbour
  50. Go white water rafting on a real rather than man-made course
  51. Fly business or first class at least once in my life
  52. to be continued ...



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