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Lindsay's Life List

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

What I want out of Life......



  1. Learn how to be healthy in every sense of the word.
  2. Complete all my scrapbooks from childhood highschool, and college.
  3. Stay on top of scrapbooking current happenings in my life and my family's life.
  4. Get Married.
  5. Have 4 beautiful babies with the one I love.
  6. Learn to honestly forgive those that have deeply hurt me.
  7. Get myself completely out of debt.
  8. Finish my degree for me, and not anyone else.
  9. Make more girl friends
  10. Cherish the friends that I already have
  11. Become a part of Big Brother, Big Sister
  12. Get several layouts published in scrapbooking magazines
  13. Create a loving and open home for my children
  14. Build my dream house
  15. Get so ripped that people look at me and envy my body


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