Lorraines list
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last edited
by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago
Things I want to do before I die
Learn to ride horseback
Own a horse
- Take my daughter Estelle to see Mamma Mia the broadway musical
- Sign Estelle up for either gymnastics or artistic fencing or figure skating
- Sign son Nathan up in the Conservatoire National de musique for the instrument of his choice
- Take all 3 kids to see Spamalot
- Learn to sing jazz solo and sing in a concert with a jazz band
- Take my kids to Greece
- Learn to scuba dive in the Bahamas
- Go on a sailing cruise with Tom and Susan
- Learn equine massage techniques
- Learn equine bio energy analysis techniques
- Learn equine-assisted therapy techniques
- Bring value to the lives of people who are iin difficulty
- Rebuild my relationship with Charles so that we're together again and in love
- Create and maintain a creative blog that shares my innermost feelings and thoughts with the world at large
Increase my presence at home with my children
- Sort and donate or throw away ALL the clothes that i don't wear
- Go through the main rooms in the house and sort and discard the unneeded things
- Check kitchen, dining room and living room vs. Feng Shui principles
- Sign up to sing in a choir (Paris or Pernay)
- Thank the universe every day for the quality of my life and that of my loved ones, and give back to the universe something every day in thanks
- Refresh and learn equine veterinary medicine
- Visit the American West on horseback
- Learn to ride Western
- take art classes in drawing/painting/sculpture
- Go to the Chama train session with Dad
- Go to the Bonneville speed week with Dad - whichever he prefers
Contact a spiritual psychotherapist
- Take a good look at the garden and design and plant things in it
- Green the porch with pots and plants
- Pots and plants in my bedroom too
- Savor the magic of the present moment every moment that i can
- Savor a moment with each of my children every single day
- Tell my parents that they did a great job raising me and that I love them
- Take Nathan to Japan
- Create my horse-assisted psychotherapy project with the Haras de Bel Air site in Pernay - contact the local Mairie to get owner's tel no.
- Contact haras du plessis and equine shiatsu school in 37 region (Loire Valley, France)
Lorraines list
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