
Mo's List

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 3 months ago

100 Things I would like to do:


  1. Create my list of 100 things
  2. Get over my fear of flying
  3. Spend regular one on one time with each of my kids
  4. Learn photoshop
  5. Take a photography course
  6. Flatten my baby belly
  7. Let go of the clutter
  8. Keep a tidy house
  9. Learn to spell with my 5th grader
  10. Do something cool with the feet of my clawfoot tub
  11. get the recycle out of my downstairs hallway
  12. schedule my 2nd colonoscopy - I'm due, are you?
  13. Go to one, new,  kid fun place per month
  14. Learn more about constant contact
  15. Get Catherine to gymnastics
  16. Get Jack in a dance class
  17. Try out one new recipe per month (gotta start small)
  18. Document my Dad's time in the army
  19. Record the family stories from my mother's side before it is too late
  20. Learn to sell stuff on ebay (see item 7)
  21. Go expand my horizens so I can complete this list.....


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