Life List: 100 things I must do during this lifetime …
1. Tour Italy s-l-o-w-l-y
2. Go on an Alaskan cruise
3. Drive through Nebraska? along the Grand Canyon, a-la Thelma & Louise
4. Spend an hour playing carefree with my kids every day.
5. Write a book or novel and get it published.
6. Complete a few more piano exams
7. Exercise with a walk most days
8. Read the Bible from beginning to end.
9. Get Riley baptised
10. Carve my body into a state of fabulous
11. Thank God for something beautiful every single night.
12. Convert all my old home movies to digital / DVD
13. Learn how to use Photoshop Elements
14. Start my own blog
15. Get Anthony into bushwalking (and maybe even abseiling)
16. Become a competitive skuller (rowing those skinny boats on a lake at foggy sunrise)
17. Start organizing and taking family holidays at least once a year.
18. craft and place clever phrases on hip, fitted t-shirts
19. Be kinder and more energetic and free with my children
20. Start documenting my dreams – even the weird ones, so I have proof that they sometimes come true.
21. Go to my 20-year school reunion (in 2013)
22. Write Claudia a handwritten letter
23. Be kinder to my husband
24. Get my affairs in order
25. Create a “memories minibook” in case I get alzheimer’s and can’t remember what a lucky life I’ve lead.
26. Take the boys to visit Mum & Dad more often
27. Finish jobs that I start
28. Write down my yearly goals every year.
29. Keep a journal again
30. Fix broken things immediately or else throw them out. Don’t hoard!
31. Be an active mum, play football with my boys
32. Don’t let mother-in-law upset me.
33. Get Anthony into taking photos too, so I “exist” in our albums!
34. Treasure my marriage
35. Compete in a triathlon
36. Start cooking with fresh herbs grown in my garden
37. Finish landscaping our block, bit by bit.
38. Stop feeling guilty about EVERYTHING!
39. Start eating properly instead of ignoring hunger because I’m too lazy
40. Organise a bookshelf
41. Surprise my husband with a treat every once in a while to let him know I love him
42. Swim with dolphins at some pacific ocean oasis
43. Get published in a scrapbooking magazine
44. Reflect on life in a porch swinging seat, a-la Sleeping with the Enemy
45. Learn Yoga or Pilates
46. Take care of potted plants
47. Use as much of the day as I can – be productive
48. Stop nagging, start doing.
49. Become more independent
50. Create a 2-week cooking planner, complete with recipes, and USE it!
51. Be more fussy about my appearance. I’ve let myself go.
52. Ride a horse along a beach, at sunset
53. Improve my posture.
54. Let Anthony finish his sentences
55. Wake up and go to sleep in a space of gratitude every day.
56. Surprise Anthony one day by playing a full tune on the guitar (aka – learning to play)
57. Organise Anthony to go to guitar lessons
58. Hike somewhere amazing that takes my breath away, a place whose beauty makes me cry.
59. Make a piece of furniture
60. Swim naked at an exotic resort
61. Learn a language – Italian?
62. Own a beat up, used pickup truck and have a lifestyle that makes sense for the truck – a- la Hope Floats style
63. Spend less time at the computer during daylight hours
64. Go for a week without television
65. Start eating more fruit
66. Be open to new friendships
67. Dance like a teenager at least once a year. The freedom rocks!
68. Always support and encourage my children’s dreams and aspirations
69. Help my children to succeed independently
70. Own my own business
71. Be ruthless with storage solutions. Keep it organised and uncluttered.
72. See Rosewood (the farm where I grew up) again.
73. Learn to play piano for pleasure again
74. Build up an impressive repertoire of new piano tunes
75. Put some better CD’s in the car ready for my next outing
76. Give my children a lesson (either reading, puzzles, writing, drawing, counting) each day until they start school
77. Redecorate the house to my tastes, complete with prints and edgy fake flowers
78. Create a big family
79. Make the dinner table the hub of conversation during night-time meals
80. Make plans for the weekend, during the week
81. Stick to one diary organiser and use it religiously
82. Make a birthday book so I don’t forget anyone’s birthday
83. Be available for my children to talk to me when they need me, not “later”.
84. Never be too busy to answer a child
85. Go fishing again
86. Go wakeboarding again
87. Laugh with my family
88. Nurture my children’s relationships with cousins
89. Come up with a weekly schedule and stick to it (laundry, piano practise, preschool lessons, book writing, blogging. journalling, scrapbooking, cooking, grooming, cleaning, outings)
90. Take the kids to a library storytime
91. Work out an emergency evacuation plan – fire plan
92. Work out how to use the mpeg (music machine thingy)
93. Trust my anal instincts and store everything in its proper place
94. Organise a bluetooth mobile phone before this pregnancy progresses too far
95. Spend more time outdoors, even when the weather’s lousy. Learn to live!
96. Wear a pair of high heels somewhere public
97. Grow so many peas I can graze on them until I get my fill, for weeks
98. Do up a maintenance schedule (pool cleaning, watering different sections of the garden, checking pipes, spraying fruit trees, pruning roses, cleaning out chookhouse, weeding)
99. Sometimes get excited about it before it’s safe to do so.
100. Visit each sister & parents at least once a year.
101. Go sailing , again
102. Scrap /re-learn some of my Dad’s farming skills – it’s from a bygone era.
103. -See a Bruce Springsteen concert-
104. Visit the Coffs Harbour beach where we became engaged
105. Complete a “cd” scrapbook of songs that bring back memories
106. Re-read my Modern History notes so that I understand what all these wars are about again.
107. Sort out our Will
109. -Ride a camel-
110. -Learn how to surf (if only briefly)- -
111. Learn to swim in the waves again without fear
112. Be more attentive to my dog
113. --Get a motorbike licence-
114. -Own my own motorbike- -
115. Be inspirational to others
116. Do things for us, not just for show
117. Revise an old biology textbook – amazing how much body knowledge needed as a parent!
118. Stop visualising my own death and panicking about it
119. Wear skirts and dresses more often
120. Move to a warmer climate
121. Feel young and carefree again
122. Believe the world is my oyster to do with as I choose. I’m never too old to start anew (only 32!)
123. Get a boob job
124. Get my teeth fixed properly
125. Make quaint home-made gifts for Christmas presents to acquaintances
126. Go to church again
127. Teach my children about God
128. Edit a magazine
129. Plan surprise date nights with my husband
130. Keep the house tidy enough to welcome impromptu visitors without cringing
131. go organic
132. Wean my children off packaged convenience food
133. Make lists without losing them
134. -Edit a newspaper-
135. Have a beach holiday shack
136. Drink more water
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