1. Learn to play one song on the guitar.
2. Accept all of me.
3. Make a family photo quilt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. Vacation in Europe
5. Volunteer at the senior center with Erin.
6. Spend a week with my twin sister and only my twin sister, sorry kids.
7. Take my husband to a Nascar race.
8. Take Erin to a Jona's Brothers concert and act like a kid along with her.
9. Take my mom on a tropical vacation.
10. Visit each of the 50 states, even those I've already visited.
11. Stay one night in a Yurt in Yosemite
12. Visit NYC
13. Learn how to sew.
14. Visit Hawaii
15. Go snowboarding this winter!
16. Take my husband to the movies
17. Eat at a really fancy resteraunt without feeling guilty.
18. Build a home.
19. Move to PA.
20. Create a family scrapbook with grandma's help.
21. Find some physical way to memorialize those I've lost.
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