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Sherry Lyn's List

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago

Things I need to do



  1. Loose 50 lbs.
  2. Finish scrapbooking R &  K's photos
  3. Forgive my parents
  4. Use up my stash of paper & stickers
  5. Visit Montana & Wyoming
  6. Visit England, Scotland & Ireland
  7. Scrap 350 pages next year (2008)
  8. Buy a Violin (I have one picked out!)
  9. Learn to play the Violin
  10. Have a closer Walk with the Lord
  11. Enjoy my kids
  12. Buy a House
  13. Become Debt FREE!
  14. Take Photography class (Taken one class already...but, need to take a better one!)
  15. Read to my children more
  16. Read to myself MORE
  17. Sing out loud more often
  18. Laugh more
  19. Dance around the kitchen with my kids & husband
  20. Create a Digital LO - my first page was created on October 18, 2007 Mackinac Bridge

  21. Learn to use Photoshop
  22. Reconnect with Family
  23. Purge my Scrapbooking Stash
  24. Learn new techniques (i.e. sew on page, stamping, etc)
  25. Finish journaling on almost finished LOs
  26. Use up more stickers & die cuts
  27. Scrap older photos
  28. Organize supplies & tools
  29. Put a HUGE dent in Pattern Paper stash
  30. Use all those eyelets, brads and flowers I just had to purchase
  31. Buy less stuff (sorry Louella)
  32. Create 8x8 albums for my neices & nephews
  33. Finish dry walling house (one room down!)
  34. Clean my bedroom and get rid of all the clutter!! (I don't need all that stuff from when I was a kid!)
  35. Buy a Jet Tub!!  (YEAH BABY!)
  36. Go to bed before 1 AM!
  37. Go out on a date with my husband!
  38. Organize Paper stash
  39. Play a game with my family
  40. Finish my Life List!! LOL
  41. Convert my friend Lynn to a "Traditional" Scrapper.... or at least "Bi-Scraptual" Scrapper!  (or die trying!!)




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