Sherry Lyn's List
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last edited
by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago
Things I need to do
- Loose 50 lbs.
- Finish scrapbooking R & K's photos
- Forgive my parents
- Use up my stash of paper & stickers
- Visit Montana & Wyoming
- Visit England, Scotland & Ireland
- Scrap 350 pages next year (2008)
- Buy a Violin (I have one picked out!)
- Learn to play the Violin
- Have a closer Walk with the Lord
- Enjoy my kids
- Buy a House
- Become Debt FREE!
- Take Photography class (Taken one class already...but, need to take a better one!)
- Read to my children more
- Read to myself MORE
- Sing out loud more often
- Laugh more
- Dance around the kitchen with my kids & husband
Create a Digital LO - my first page was created on October 18, 2007 Mackinac Bridge
Learn to use Photoshop
- Reconnect with Family
- Purge my Scrapbooking Stash
- Learn new techniques (i.e. sew on page, stamping, etc)
- Finish journaling on almost finished LOs
- Use up more stickers & die cuts
- Scrap older photos
- Organize supplies & tools
- Put a HUGE dent in Pattern Paper stash
- Use all those eyelets, brads and flowers I just had to purchase
- Buy less stuff (sorry Louella)
- Create 8x8 albums for my neices & nephews
- Finish dry walling house (one room down!)
- Clean my bedroom and get rid of all the clutter!! (I don't need all that stuff from when I was a kid!)
- Buy a Jet Tub!! (YEAH BABY!)
- Go to bed before 1 AM!
- Go out on a date with my husband!
- Organize Paper stash
- Play a game with my family
- Finish my Life List!! LOL
- Convert my friend Lynn to a "Traditional" Scrapper.... or at least "Bi-Scraptual" Scrapper! (or die trying!!)
Sherry Lyn's List
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