1. Ski the Alps
2. Help my three sons become Eagle scouts.
3. Go to Austria and visit a place where Mozart played.
4. Camp in the Grand Canyon
5. Pass the CCRN exam
6. Finish my masters degree
7. Get my house completely clean and organized for once.
8. Take my parents on a cruise for their 50th anniversary.
9. Visit all 50 states.
10. Play in the snow with my boys.
11. See "the Marriage of Figaro".
12. Get a massage.
13. Lose about 25 pounds.
14. Get a pedicure and a manicure
15. Learn Spanish.
16. Survive parenthood
17. Start SCUBA diving again
18. Go backpacking again
19. Compile a collection of inspirational quotes.
20. Take Marty to NYC
21. Become strong
22. Have some financial security- at least some
23. Have a waist that is smaller than my butt; have muscles again
24. Have dinner at an Indian restaurant
25. Go back to Ireland and take the boys
26. Live in a state other than Florida
27. Live in the country and have animals
28. Become an expert dutch oven cook
29. Grow an herb garden which survives at least several months
30. Go to a music festival, maybe bluegrass
31. Keep in touch with my brother and sister (better than now)
32. Become more computer savvy
33. Be a real friend to my friends
34. Be still, and know that God is God
35. Find my resume and revise it
36. Clean out my junk drawers
37. Sleep out under the stars
38. Learn how to make a digital scrapbook page
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