Learn to use microsoft excel Took an Access class
- See an Aurora Borealis
- Take a ballroom dancing class with Bill
- Grow a vegetable garden
- Take mom on a cruise
- Learn to make marinara sauce
- Let my white hair grow in
- Scrapbook my childhood pictures
- Landscape my front lawn
- Get a crunch bench
- Learn and do Tai Chi
- Create my 42 book
- Go to the mountains in NC
- Learn more about homeopathic medicine
- Get a go-cart for Luke
- Build a go cart track
- Have a scrapbook room
Go on a 4 day vacation with Bill Making banana pancakes is fun!
- Get a pedicure
- Paint mom's house
- Go with Danielle to buy her wedding dress
Take a card making class Took first class in series.
Put in a closet organizer in my closet Got all my shoes off the floor and on the new shelves
- Find a young mom to mentor
- Think of more things I want to do, and not that others want me to do
- Increase my knowledge of sign language
- Get a Canon Rebel camera
- Take a digital photography class
Get a small white screen Got the D-Flector
- Get a large white screen
- Have oral surgery
- Photograph all important belongings for insurance purposes
Handmake Christmas Cards They are so pretty!
- Pay off all my credit cards
- Then pay off my car
- Buy another rental house
- learn how to make a good meatloaf
Buy Life Artist What a great birthday present!
Scrapbook from 87-89 20 years of scrapbooking complete!
- Make a will
- Attend a CKC
- Go to a corn maze
Get health insurance Started a job with more hours and benefits, inc. health insurance.
44. Get a Cane Corso I am now the proud mom of Maya a beautiful Blue Cane Corso
45. Learn to cry more Sat and watched the Big Give and allowed the tears to flow
46. Laugh louder and more often I have been watching more comedy and allowing myself to enjoy and savor the moment
47. Get Adobe Photoshop
48. Visit Israel
49. Send out real bday cards, not just e-cards
50. Host a Christmas Open House
51. Get a grave marker for dad 'nuf said
52. Redefine my dream ( or just find one again) Owning a 2 story home has always been my dream. I guess I just forgot.
53. Develop single servings idea with Danielle
54. Become a notary public
55. Take a home repair course
56. Learn about wines
57. Visit a local vineyard
58. Create a sitting garden with a gazebo
59. Build a hen house
60. Get some hens
61. Get a goat
62. Learn to make sofrito
63. Learn to cook arroz con gandules
64. Learn to cook a good pernil
65. Learn to make pasteles
66. Record my thoughts on each book I read for a year
67. Do not buy anything except essentials for one month
68. Learn to use all the settings on my camera
69. Open an esty shop
70. Write a book
71. Own my dream home
72. Get a master's Degree in something I am interested in, not just for a job
73. Take Josh to NYC
74. Take up biking again
75. Go to an opera
75. Go zorbing
76. Give away $1,000,000 (Only 999,125 to go)
77. Write a book on parenting
78. Get a Doctorate Degree
79. Get sponsorship for www.biculturalparenting.com
80. Become a leading expert on bicultural parenting
81. Go skydiving
82. Attend a Gloria Estefan Concert
83. Spend a Christmas at the Beach
84. Go back to Disney World
85. Go to Italy with Danielle
86. Pay for a soldier's dinner
87. Get a Ms. PacMan full sized arcade game
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